Life without pain and dysfunction is possible.

Wayne Stafford has helped people from all over the world get their movement restored and their pain, trauma and injuries resolved


Years fixing pain


Modalities studied


Patients treated


Students trained

Your pain

Just because I am strong enough to put up with and handle pain, does not mean I deserve it.

Back Pain

Whether you have lower back or mid back pain, disk trouble, muscle spasms, post surgical pain, headaches,
migraines, sciatica or even a scoliosis Fusion Physical Therapy can help.

Shoulder\Arm Pain

Frozen shoulder, post fracture or dislocaltion, sporting injures, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel or just woken up stiff and sore Fusion Physical Therapy can help.

Neck Pain

Whiplash, disk injuries, falls, bad pillow, can't turn left or right, having trouble looking over your shoulder when driving Fusion Physical Therapy can help

Hip Pain

if you've been injured playing sport, had a fall or a cycling accident, bursitis or tendonitis or even got a bit of ostearthritis and you're not moving as you used too Fusion Physical Therapy can help.

Knee Pain

Post op knee surgery, sporting injury, meniscus issues, bakers cyst, had a fall or post dislocation Fusion Physical Therapy can help.

Foot Pain

There are 26 bones in each foot and if those bones are stuck and not moving like they should you will have pain, arch pain, heel pain, spurs, neuromas or plantar fascitis Fusion Physical Therapy can help.

What's happening

Whats happening to me?

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What’s happening to me?  

Ok here's the deal. After a session at the gym you walk home and all of a sudden you feel something give, pain shoots through your body and movement suddenly becomes difficult.  For some it might be a round of golf or maybe just an afternoon gardening. Either way, you being to question your pain and ongoing lifestyle… continuing with sports, playing with the kids even just enjoying everyday life. This is a common scenario and common thought process when your muscles go into spasm and your joints hurt.

What now? 

The most logical next step people take is a visit to the general practitioner.  By the time you get into your consultation you're convinced that your life is on a fast-track downward spiral.  Then you hear the ominous words  "Ahhh, you're in your thirties, you're getting on a bit, it's around this time that your body starts breaking down”.You are sent off for scans, perhaps a Cortisone injection,  a course of anti-inflammatories, Xrays, CT scans or maybe an MRI. Days off work are complimented with a course of pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs or even muscle relaxants. You can't sleep because of the pain and your discomfort makes simple tasks such as getting to the bathroom difficult. 

Feeling helpless is common

It's around this time that you start feeling a little despondent even depressed. Feelings of helplessness is common and many compensate with unhealthy eating habits of potato chips, lollies, fizzy soft drinks or caffeine. These may make you feel a little bit better but we know they are not helping your condition. Sugar and junk food toxins makes muscles tighter, more constricted and unable to get the proper blood flow and nutrients needed to function. Combined with lack of movement and it's a wonder you can muster the strength to go to the toilet.  

The diagnosis merry-go-round

Your follow up results can be confusing,vague and unresolved. Is it a disease, condition or a syndrome? You feel bamboozled with names like degenerative disk disease, prolapsed or sequestered disk, ligament dysfunction, facet syndrome, facet joint disease, spurring, arthritis, spinal stenosis, nerve impingement syndrome. sciatica or piriformis syndrome.  The list goes on… and the medical merry-go-round starts.

For some the next step is physiotherapy, an ultrasound or electronic therapy. Stretching exercises are prescribed and pilates is advised as the only path to recovery. After six weeks of physiotherapy some of the pain and discomfort has subsided and your core feels a little stronger. However, something is still not right. You still feel tender and afraid to do something that might aggravate your injury.  You go back to the doctor, back to the gym and back to square one with pain and discomfort.

A feeling of helplessness leads many to seek help from a chiropractor (that comes highly recommended by your friend) or an osteopath,  an acupuncturist … and …. on it goes. Months later and hundreds of dollars out of pocket and not much has changed.   

Stop right there, help is here!

Understanding the cause of pain

A high percentage of people’s pain stems from tight unbalanced (contracted or lengthened) muscles, connective tissue or restricted immobile feet and joints. These condition if left untreated lead to a rotated, hiked or shifted pelvis. This muscle- connective tissue imbalance, joint and pelvic dysfunction can be the cause ofany number of postural pain dysfunctions and syndromes.

When tight muscles and pelvic dysfunctions are left untreated these imbalances can and do lead to 'degenerative joint conditions’. Tight unbalanced muscles unevenly exert pressure on the body's joints, ligaments, tendons and discs. These same tight muscles force neighboring vertebrae together. This forced compaction is enough to cause pinched nerve roots that exit the spinal canal, causing pain and numbness in the extremities.  This can also cause the vertebrae and pelvis to ‘twist' out of alignment. When the spinal vertebrae are pulled closely together, discs between the vertebrae may get ‘squeezed’ and eventually break down (bulge or rupture) from long-term compressive pressures.

Untreated muscle tightness and dysfunction can also alter the movement of other joints in the body including hips, knees and ankles. This leads to further injuries and bodily compensations that will eventually cause joints to break down.

 Correcting balance for pain relief 

Correcting the balance of your body’s muscle and ligaments leads to better movement and no pain.  To make it simple to understand:

(a) The muscles, ligaments and joints on the right side of your body are the same as the muscles on the left side of your body. They have to be the same tension and length. If not, imbalance problems arise.

(b) The muscles, ligaments and joints on the back of your body, although different to the those on the front, still have to work together. They need to have equal strength, position and tension.  If some are stronger than others -  imbalance problems occur. This imbalance not only affects your back it will affect other joints in your body. 

Correcting this imbalance works for back pain as well as pain elsewhere in the body. By using the principles of getting your body balanced and moving correctly,  pain dissipates. Thousands of people have been treated by Wayne and those people remain pain free.

Eliminate pain

Take a step towards being pain free.  

Make a booking with Wayne at Fusion Physical Therapy. 

Who is Wayne?

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Wayne Stafford is the principal practitioner at Fusion Physical Therapy and has had a lifelong passion for boxing, martial arts and strength training. His teenage years saw him and a mate sneaking off on their bikes after school (as their mothers did not approve) to a boxing gym several suburbs away. The knocks and bruises were explained away as wrestling injuries and bike falls.  This early experience and the "Bruce Lee Kung Fu" phenomenon around the time led him into karate and the early days of kickboxing. From there it has been a continuing journey through the Chinese, Thai, Russian and Japanese martial arts, both in empty hand and weaponry plus many years of strength training, bodybuilding, powerlifting, yoga practice and teaching. Wayne was also a long-time Rugby Union player at both club and state level. ​And he still trains 7 days a week.

Professional history

Wayne provides specialised Musculoskeletal Therapy and Clinical Myotherapy treatments. He continues to draw on latest knowledge and best practice to improve his skills.

This includes training with notable therapists:

Gary Ward and Chris Sritharan - Anatomy in Motion (Developed by Gary Ward)
Carl Alexander - Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex P-DTR (Developed by Dr. JosePalomar)
Julie Ann Day, Dr. Carla Stecco and Dr. Luigi Stecco-Fascial Manipulation (Developed by Dr. Luigi Stecco)
Dr. Stefan Ankar - Fascial Distortion Model
Dr. Kathy Dooley and Thomas Wells - Neurokinetic Therapy (Developed by David Weinstock)
Dr. Kyle Kiesel - FMS and SFMA (Delevloped by Gray Cook and Lee Burton)
Steve Lockhart - SLM Bodywork
Dr. James Murray and Jan Wanklyn - Active Release Technique (Developed by Dr. P.Michael Leahy)
Dr. Paul Conneely - Advanced Musculoskeletal Training
Alastair McLoughlin - McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
Thomas Myers - Anatomy Trains
Lester Cox - Cox Tendon and Ligament Manipulation
Thomas Zudrell - Dorn Therapy
Paul Davies - Goltech Muscle and Tendon Manipulation
Charles and Vicki Tuchtan - Australian Institute
Dr. Syed Hussain and Dr. Adam Vounoridis – Fascial Counterstrain (Developed by Brian Tuckey) 

A unique approach to pain management

Wayne's thirst for knowledge and professional development takes him around the world to train with the best industry practitioners.  He believes that poor gait and movement patterns coupled with poor mobility and motor control results in nerve entrapment, tight adherent joints, muscles, tendons and fascia. These are the causes of most pain and disease states of the body.

By incorporating specialist treatment that essentially "balances" the body, Wayne works to increase mobility, correct movement patterns, re-set muscles to the correct length and tension through the nervous system.

He explores body strengthening to release tight adhered fascia and put tendons, ligaments and joints back where they should be, which in turn, reduces pain, improves movement patterns, enhances mobility and restores the natural flow of blood and lymphatic fluid. Once your body is strengthened and lengthened to its correct movement patterns, he works to ensure your body is re-programmed and correct movement is remembered.

Help your body to move again

Wayne is often described as "the person who fixes the problems everyone else has given up on” .

If you are in pain we are ready to help you get your body moving again. 

Fix your pain - make a booking with Wayne at Fusion Physical Therapy.



Research and analyze injury history & pain

After reviewing details provided on your pre-appointment forms, an initial assessment is made of your prior injuries, medication and lifestyle approach. This will be reviewed with you at your initial appointment.


Analysis of your gait, movement & posture

Understanding your posture and joint movement is an important part of your assessment. This involves a force plate evaluation of your standing posture, a review of where your body is positioned according to gravity and an analysis of your joint movement to see how you are moving through gait.


Treatment plan

Once analysis has been undertaken an individual plan is determined - unique to your condition and pain requirements.


Strengthen your body

Body strengthening techniques are recommended to get you moving freely again. Your individual plan could involve a combination of yoga techniques, weight bearing exercise or kettlebell swings. These are demonstrated and refined with you to ensure exercises work best for your body and your pain management.


Review & evaluate your movement

Using your initial results as a benchmark, a review is undertaken to determine how your body is responding. Follow up movement analysis is conducted to ensure that your body is responding and any further issues are addressed and corrected.

If you have pain of any kind you need Wayne and Fusion Physical Therapy

Patients say

Don’t just take our word for it

Wayne has treated me on several occasions due to my many injuries over the years, thanks martial arts! Each time he has not only fixed the problem but has also given me guidance into how it can be avoided next time. His work with structure and posture is outstanding and it has helped me in so many ways. I cannot recommend Wayne highly enough. If you have a problem then he is your man to see!

Jim Armstrong

Martial Arts Instructor Glen Waverley Victoria

About 2 years ago, the week before I was scheduled for surgery for a hugely painful arthritic and incapacitated left foot I saw Wayne. He has definitely changed the course of my life. He worked on me successfully to allow me to regain a normal use of my foot, (no operation necessary) to exercise, and to go dancing….As the arthritis progressed more recently to my hip, those magical hands have worked on me to allow me to resume exercising once again and to keep on dancing!!!!Thank you, Wayne. You’re the best!!!!!

Pauline Rockman OAM

Chairperson Caulfield Victoria

My left leg was badly injured in a car accident almost 30 years ago. Basically I'd been told that there was nothing more they could do and that that was it for life. So for 7 years I just put up with it. I couldn't jog without pain. My knee felt weak all the time and there was very little range of movement in my ankle.Wayne has treated me and the results have been amazing. I can run and my knee feels so much stronger. I now have 90% range of motion back in my ankle.I'm stunned that he was able to do this. If you have any problems whatsoever, GO AND SEE HIM You wont regret it. saved me from back surgery and I've never looked back.

Callan Mulvey

Actor Byron Bay NSW

I have been seeing Wayne for almost 15 years and I cannot recommend him highly enough. Whether it's for minor issues or more severe pain, Wayne has always been able to hone in on the problem and I know I can trust him to help me when I'm in pain. He is incredibly knowledgeable in all things related to the body and is able toclearly explain what the problem is and works with you, not only to sort out the immediate issue, but to equip you with exercises and techniques that help you strengthen your body as a preventative measure. I'm honestly so happy I met Wayne, as he has made such a fundamental difference in my life.

Ana Bradridge

Teacher Elwood Victoria

I’ve been seeing Wayne for over 10 years now and cannot thank him enough. After many years motorbike racing, my back injuries have always given me grief but with Wayne’s help I’ve managed it well and even got much more strength back into it. My range of movement has also become so much better. If you have any pains, highly recommend and don’t hesitate to make a booking.Thanks again Wayne.

Billy Subasi

Business Owner Moorabbin Victoria

Wayne saved me from back surgery and I've never looked back.



As a 28 year old teacher, I’ve had a back problem for manyyears which was later diagnosed as a disc prolapse.  There had beencountless trips to different treatments and professionals including acupuncture, osteopathic, pilates, chiro, hand acupuncture etc. without much of a result. It seemed to work initially but after a couple of sessions oftreatment I was back to where I was before.

I had been completely confined to bed for two months when I finally met Wayne.

I am a firm believer of a conservative treatment but I was in so much pain that I had finally decided to take the doctor’s advice and made an appointment toget a steroid injection hoping to relieve the agonising pain. When I went for the first  treatment with Wayne, I was driven to the clinic and I was using a walking stick.

For a busy, young person, this was hard to accept but it was harder to adapt to the new disabling changes. However, Wayne was very confident that I would get on my two feet again if I was committed to this treatment. I decided to cancel my steroid injection appointment after Wayne confirmed that his treatment would better without it.

 After only couple of treatments, I was able to walk without the walking stick and with a better posture. In a weeks time, I was actually able to sit down for more than four hours and have a meal with the family. This was an amazing improvement as just a month ago, I had trouble sitting down on a chair for more than a minute!

Now I am able to do more than what I did before I had back problems including everyday routine activities that we take for granted; walking, driving, cooking, working,  etc, which I questioned of ever doing again only nine months ago.

I have also started exercising regularly to strengthen my core muscles. I am just glad that I have found the treatment that works for a bad back! If only Ihad known earlier, I would have saved a lot of pain, effort, time and money.

Thank you Wayne for getting rid of that walking stick!!

Anna Kim

Teacher and Yogi Balwyn Victoria

Making the decision to see Wayne to treat my back pain was one of the most important decisions I have ever made.Wayne explained everything to me in a way no other therapist ever has. The treatment he provides is also unlike any other I have ever experienced. I have seen more results with the treatment he has provided than any other practitioner I have ever seen before and I will never go back to any other form of treatment.Wayne is also so friendly and down to earth and he makes you feel completely comfortable and I highly recommend that anybody with any sort of pain whether it be back, hip or any other part of the body go and see Wayne and see for yourself. He is an absolute legend and I tell everyone I know about him.

Paula Richards

Hoppers Crossing Victoria

I've known Wayne for a long time, he's an even better person than he is a healer - and he's a damned good healer. I'm closing in on 50 fast (as my body keeps reminding me) and Wayne somehow keeps me moving effectively and relatively pain free despite decades of hard training. I can't recommend Wayne highly enough

Jezz de Silva

Martial Arts Instructor Rowville Victoria

Make a booking at at 7-9 Bardolph Street Glen Iris Victoria

Wayne Stafford and Fusion Physical Therapy are located within the Revitalise Centre at 7-9 Bardolph Street Glen Iris, click below to see on a map or click the make a booking button to start your journey.The clinic is located 50 metres from Burwood Station and has plenty of parking around the centre.

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We are fully equipped at my Glen Iris clinic to get your pain fixed now

With a state of the art force plate technology we can assess how your body is in relation to gravity, time and space and this gives us a starting point to work on your pain, Wayne subscribes to the "test don't guess" philosophy and this stops us formulating a treatment plan that doesn't address your postural and movement issues. Wayne endeavours to get it right first time every time so your body has the maximum opportunity to heal itself.

Click below to see on a map or click the make a booking button to start your journey.The clinic is located 50 metres from Burwood Station and has plenty of parking around the centre.

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